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Potential Interventions for Novel Coronavirus in China: A Systematic Review - Lei Zhang & Yunhui Liu - Journal of Medical Virology (13 Feb. 2020):
“We have found that the general treatments are very important to enhance host immune response against RNA viral infection. The immune response has often been shown to be weakened by inadequate nutrition in many model systems as well as in human studies. However, the nutritional status of the host, until recently, has not been considered as a contributing factor to the emergence of viral infectious diseases.”
COVID-19: is there a Role for Immunonutrition, particularly in the Over 65s? - Emma Derbyshire & Joanne Delange - BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health (16 Apr 2020):
“However, a number of scientific reviews and research publications have been published focusing on the role of diet and specific nutrients in the immune system, some of which have focused on respiratory viral infections. Here we discuss some of the main findings. One recent review identified that an array of micronutrients are required to meet the complex needs of the immune system, including vitamins A, D, C, E, B6, B12, folate, copper, iron, zinc and selenium, with many of these having potential synergistic relationships.”
Effects of Micronutrients or Conditional Amino Acids on COVID-19-Related Outcomes: An Evidence Analysis Center Scoping Review - Mary Rozga, Feon W. Cheng, Lisa Moloney & Deepa Handu - Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2020):
“In 3 studies, the authors reported a potential benefit of the intervention on outcomes: intramuscular cholecalciferol on mortality, 19 intramuscular vitamin E on Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score in patients with ARDS and zinc sulfate on the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in ventilated patients in intensive care units.”
Enhancing Immunity in Viral Infections, with Special Emphasis on COVID-19: A Review - Ranil Jayawardena, Piumika Sooriyaarachchi, Michail Chourdakis, Chandima Jeewandara & Priyanga Ranasinghe - Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome (Jul-Aug. 2020):
“As evident from the studies described above, micronutrient deficiency suppresses immune functions by affecting the T-cell-mediated immune response and adaptive antibody response, and leads to dysregulation of the balanced host response. Selected vitamins and trace elements support immune function by strengthening epithelial barriers and cellular and humoral immune responses. Supplementations with various combinations of trace-elements and vitamins have shown beneficial effects on the antiviral immune response.”
To learn more about Ingredient #15 (Beta-Carotene) and the 51 other dietary ingredients identified as exhibiting anti-viral and/or immune-enhancing properties - obtain a copy of the full report of AVD: The Anti-Viral Diet by pressing the button below:
Carotenoids and the Immune System - Adrianne Bendich - from Carotenoids (1989):
“There is growing evidence from in vitro and in vivo laboratory animal studies that β-carotene can protect phagocytic cells from auto-oxidative damage, enhance T and B lymphocyte proliferative responses, stimulate effector T cell functions, and enhance macrophage, cytotoxic T cell and natural killer cell tumoricidal capacities, as well as increase the production of certain interleukins. Many of these effects have also been seen with carotenoids lacking provitamin A activity but having the antioxidant and singlet oxygen quenching capacities of β-carotene.”
Effect of Beta Carotene on Disease Protection and Humoral Immunity in Chickens - Robert P. Tengerdy, Nicola G. Lacetera & Cheryl F. Nockels - Avian Diseases (Oct-Dec. 1990).
β-Carotene and the Immune Response - Adrianne Bendich - Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (Aug. 1991).
Carotenoids and Immune Function - Daphne A. Roe & Cindy J. Fuller - from Nutrition and Immunology (1993):
“β-Carotene and certain other carotenoids are now known to exert multiple protective effects on functions of the cellular immune system. Carotenoids diminish the immunosuppressive effects of UV light, provide resistance against neoplastic development, and reduce the immunosuppressive effects of aging.”
Effects of Carotenoids on Human Immune Function - D.A. Hughes - The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (Aug. 1999).
β-Carotene and Selenium Supplementation enhances Immune Response in Aged Humans - Steven M. Wood, Carla Beckham, Ayako Yosioka, Hamid Darban & Ronald R. Watson - Integrative Medicine (Spring 2000):
“Selenium plus β-carotene supplementation caused an increase in the percentage of NK cell by 121% and 161% at 3 and 6 months, respectively. However, the increased numbers of NK cells were not correlated with NK cell activity. [...] We found that selenium enhanced immune function (NK cell cytotoxicity) and phenotypic expression of T-cell subsets, where- as β-carotene affected only immune function.”
Dietary Carotenoids and Human Immune Function - D.A. Hughes - Nutrition (Nov. 2001):
“Many epidemiologic studies have shown strong associations between diets rich in carotenoids and a reduced incidence of many forms of cancer, and that finding led to the suggestion that the antioxidant properties of those compounds might help protect immune cells from oxidative damage, thus enhancing their ability to detect and eliminate tumor cells. Since the early 1980s, there have been reports supporting that hypothesis. However, more recently, after large prospective studies did not show protective effects of β-carotene supplementation, more attention has been given to studies defining optimal levels of intake that can be achieved within a well-balanced diet.”
Carotenoid Action on the Immune Response - Boon P. Chew & Jean Soon Park - The Journal of Nutrition (Jan. 2004):
“Besides cell-mediated and humoral immune responses, β-carotene has been shown to regulate nonspecific cellular host defense. Blood neutrophils isolated from cattle fed β-carotene had higher killing ability during the peripartum period. The increased bacterial killing could be accounted for partly by increased myeloperoxidase activity in the neutrophils.”
Effect of beta-Carotene on Immunity Function and Tumour Growth in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rats - Bokang Cui, Su Liu, Qibo Wang & Xiaojun Lin - Molecules (Dec. 2012).
Differential Effects of Specific Carotenoids on Oxidative Damage and Immune Response of Gull Chicks - Alberto Lucas, Judith Morales & Alberto Velando - Journal of Experimental Biology (2014).
Bibliographic Research Information provided courtesy of The Academy of the Third Millennium (A3M) 2020
Visit to find out how a specific combination of key micronutrients increases vaccine efficacy and decreases side effects.
Learn how to protect you and your family from viruses more effectively by discovering the 52 'dietary antivirals' to include in your meals, snacks and drinks every day. Boost your immunity and fight diseases the natural way.
An 'Anti-Viral Diet' has been extensively corroborated by science and is gradually being accepted as an integral part of how people may protect themselves against viruses and treat viral illnesses - one other option to make use of alongside vaccines and antiviral medications. However, Food Science does not currently receive even 1% as much financing as pharmaceutical or vaccine-related research. 10% of the profit from sales of the 'AVD' book are being donated towards essential projects in Anti-Viral Dietary Research.
Click Here to discover some of the scientists & science behind the theory of an anti-viral diet
Click Here to discover research work regarding dietary antivirals that go into an anti-viral diet
Click Here to learn how dietary ingredients are able to deter the virus that causes COVID-19
Click Here to learn more about increasing your immunity through nutritional status & vaccines
Click Here to discover the positive news about how an anti-viral diet can help against variants
Click Here to inform yourself about the World Health Organization's advice on diet & disease
Edouard d'Araille - Project Lead of Phase 1 of the 'AVD Research Project' - writes about an 'Anti-Viral Diet' that: "Regarding the effects of diet on disease, it is known that healthy, balanced nutrition has greater impact on immunity to viruses than any single vaccine. Science has proven this beyond a shadow of doubt."
CLICK HERE or on the Book Above to order your Standard Paperback copy of 'AVD' (4th Edition; 2022). ISBN 9781908936-41-7 $49.95
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CLICK HERE or on the eBook Above to order your Universal eBook copy [PDF] of 'AVD' (4th Edition; 2022). ISBN 9781908936-43-1 $19.95
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CLICK HERE or on the Books Above to order the two-volume Hardback copy of 'AVD' (4th Edition; 2022). ISBN 9781908936-46-2 $99.95
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'AVD' is a 3-Phase Research Project launched by The Academy of the Third Millennium (A3M). Phase 1 of this scientific inquiry is now complete and a summary of the findings are presented in the volume 'AVD: The Anti-Viral Diet' (2020-2022) available from this website. Information about the progress and purpose of Phases 2 & 3 of this A3M research program will be shared here and at A3M.International.
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Click Below to receive a FREE Full-Color 80-page Sampler of the 4th Edition of 'AVD: The Anti-Viral Diet' (2022) - featuring scientific evidence corroborating EIGHT Anti-Viral Ingredients.